Thursday, November 5, 2009

Welcome to Insights!

So I wanted to create a blog that was a true reflection of the things I cared about and liked. But when I tried to narrow it down into a couple of categories of subjects that I could blog about for a while, I couldn’t really do it. In many ways, I’m the typical Canadian urban student; homework takes up most of my life, but my close buddies and my family are the things that I care about the most. I love fashion, design and art, but I chose to major in political science and human geography. So far, many of the decisions I’ve made are pretty unconventional. Growing up, I wanted to be an artist; paint, draw and photograph until I had no more creative juices left inside me to give to the world. At some point though, living with parents who saw success as a measure of how well one does in the corporate world started to taint my measure of success. I dropped my dream of becoming an artist, and pursued the other thing I loved; to argue! :p Hence, the political science academia. And I’ve been pretty successful at this, but I think it’s time to move on.

And now, as I’m graduating from university, I’ve started to realize that adult life is finally about to being. I’m probably in the process right now of becoming a nine to fiver! This scares me and drives me into a whole host of self doubt and self-esteem issues. Right now, I’m focusing on how to get a job right out of school.

Anyways, now that you have an introduction of me, I wanted to create this blog so that I can regale you all of my adventures into self- improvement. From the transformation of my schlumpy student wardrobe to a chic business one, to my first foray into makeup and my advice and experiences in what it is like to be graduating and starting this scary process of working and becoming a fully fledged adult! I hope you enjoy, and please, feel free to email me any time at if you have any questions and to leave lots of comments, I love to read anyone’s inputs in my shenanigans!

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